With this news we want to present you one of the main subjects with which BOit – International Illustration Competition is collaborating in this third edition. Let’s start!
LIFE4Pollinators (www.life4pollinators.eu) is a European project, co-financed by the LIFE programme to improve the conservation of pollinators and enthomophilous plants in the Mediterranean. Both fundamental to conserve biodiversity and maintain ecosystems healthy and in balance, while they are threatened by increasing impact of human pressure and mainly by intensive agriculture and pesticide.
The University of Bologna, with the Departments BIGEA, DISTAL and Sistema Museale di Ateneo – Orto botanico, is the coordinator of this project and is implementing with CREA-AA, Confagricoltura Emilia Romagna, University of Vigo and CSIC-IMEDEA in Spain, EZAVOD, private communication company from Slovene and the University of Egeo in Greece a set of activities all around the Mediterranean region.
LIFE4Pollinators aims to increase the awareness of key stakeholders and citizen on pollinators decline and to disseminate best practices to improve their presence and their protection through workshops, trainings, minibioblitz, meetings and educational activities in schools. Several materials and tools have been developed: field guides for pollinators and plants, best practices handbooks for farmers, managers of Urban green areas, managers of Protected Areas, citizen and schools (Citizen Science handbook), a Declaration of Intents to become Pollinator friendly municipality and a Code of Conduct to become Pollinator Friendly Farm. All is downloadable from www.life4pollinators.eu, where you can find also a submission platform to collect records of plant-pollinators interaction and so help halting the loss of pollinators.