Sara Bernardi
Administrative Director and Creative Director
Reference for Webinars, events and expositions

Promoters associations
“BO it!” Is a cultural initiative promoted by the associations Il Civico 32 and MenoPerMeno of Bologna.
The association Il Civico32 has been operating in the Bologna area for over a decade by organizing meetings and debates on current issues with a particular focus on the territory. During the 15 years of activity, conferences and debates, exhibitions (under the current artistic direction of the “Scuola della Carta”), formal and informal moments of comparison with respect to issues related to the development of the City have been held. The association has collaborated in the organization of cinema and cultural events (“MONDOVISIONI” program of documentaries for the international journalism festival Internazionale which takes place every year in Ferrara, “Estate al Pincherle Social Garden”music and culture event at Giardino Pincherle in Bologna, “Dall’Euro All’EUROPA Federale”) more recently engaging in initiatives for the redevelopment of public spaces (Garden experience) Pincherle). The association has always stood out for the openness with which it welcomes proposals made by individuals or groups, who intend to present their work, be it a book an exhibition or a conference. Over the years it has availed itself of the collaboration of other associations and realities, which operate in specific areas, in relation to the issues addressed. All initiatives are documented on the website: www.civico32.org
MENOPERMENO is a non-profit association of social promotion, engaged in projects to prevent and support psychological distress in situations of calamity, disasters and emergency / urgency through the implementation of psychological workshops that using artistic means such as tool for self-expression and self-inquiry. In 2017 the association has realized a project called “Talismans for Camerino” with the children of the third grades of U.Betti Elementary school located in Camerino, in order to help children to manage anxieties and phobias arose as a result of the earthquake that hit Marche region in 2016. In 2018 they kept working on the project, achieving foundraising events to support the association “IO NON CROLLO” of Camerino, in the construction of artistic workshops for children and adolescents, with the specific aim of contributing on creating a space of social gathering. Since 2019 MONOPERMENO has also engaged itself to training and education for childrens and adolescents, with the aim of facilitating the study method and encourage an effective and conscious learning. For this purpose, at the beginning of 2019 they made the project “Officina Matematica” aimed at students of secondary school to reinforce its studying method through an innovative pedagogical methodology.
People still collaborating and once collaborating with BOit