“SËDES. crode, conflitti e confini” the exhibition by Silvia Baccanti opens on Saturday, May 11th, 2024

“SËDES. crode, conflitti e confini” the exhibition by Silvia Baccanti opens on Saturday, May 11th, 2024

Bologna, May 3, 2024 – Starting from Saturday, May 11th, at 6:00 PM, the Millenium Gallery in Bologna will host the solo exhibition of Silvia Baccanti, winner of the First Prize of the Third Edition of BOit! – International Illustration Competition.

The exhibition, titled SËDES, a Ladin word meaning “border,” takes viewers on an intimate journey through the “crode,” the majestic spires of the Dolomites. Silvia Baccanti, originally from Val Badia, shares her own perspective on these territories, revealing their beauty and challenges.

A unique and personal artistic and historical journey

Through a mix of illustrations and comics, Silvia Baccanti intertwines family and historical memory, exploring crucial moments in the history of the Ladini people of the Dolomites. The exhibition stems from a thesis project completed during her master’s degree at ISIA in Urbino in 2022.

An evening of art and dialogue

The opening, scheduled for May 11th at 6:00 PM, will feature the artist in dialogue with the curators of BOit! International Illustration Competition. A unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the artistic universe of Silvia Baccanti.

Additionally, during the opening, visitors will be welcomed with a glass of wine in an open and convivial atmosphere.

Within the program of BOOM! Festival

The exhibition is part of the programming of BOOM! – Growing with Books, a festival curated by Hamelin Cultural Association and runs parallel to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair. It offers a unique cultural experience for all lovers of art and visual storytelling of deep and identity-related themes.

Don’t miss the opportunity to explore the boundary between art and territory in this unique exhibition that will remain open until June 3rd!

SËDES, storie di crode, conflitti, confini

Solo exhibition by Silvia Baccanti, winner of the First Prize of the Third Edition of BOit! International Illustration Competition!

Curated by Sara Bernardi, Marta Viviani, Costanza Rosa, and Carlotta Artioli

May 11th – June 3rd, 2024, from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Millenium Gallery, Via Riva di Reno 77/A, Bologna

Opening on Saturday, May 11th, 2024, at 6:00 PM